garden updates


Have you been enjoying the sunshine this last week as much as I have? It has me itching to get back out in the Grace Garden and get to work. I planted some peas, kale, green onions and radishes in our home garden last weekend, so we’re looking forward to those here in a few weeks.

We only have 6 spots taken so far in this year’s Grace Garden CSA. For more information about this year’s options out at the Grace Garden, please refer to this link and contact me with any questions.

Have you been thinking about getting involved with the garden? Do you have friends or family that would enjoy participating? Now is the time for you to sign up and to invite your friends and family to do so as well!

Easter is a time of renewed hope for the future, and there is no better lesson in hope than planting or participating in a garden. Join us out at Grace as we garden for the Kingdom!