
Finding “fair food”

I’ve just started to read Fair Food, and it’s fascinating so far. I’ll report back with a review soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share a few resources that I’ve found quite helpful as of late in terms of finding “fair food” (I love that term and the images it evokes):

  • When we travel, we love to eat at places that care about sustainable agriculture and the like, so I always check out the Eat Well Guide before we leave home. The EWG even lets you plan a whole trip with fair food in mind.
  • Because I’m so passionate (crazy?) about this topic, it often comes up with people I’ve just met. I only eat sustainably raised (and preferably local) meat and poultry, so that often initiates conversations at restaurants and in meeting new people. In those conversations, I always recommend the other person check out for information on farms, CSAs, co-ops, etc. in their area. I’ve found that people tend to think that local, seasonal, sustainably raised agriculture isn’t available in their area, but disproves that!
  • I’ve started following the news section of the Fair Food Network’s site because it links to some great articles and information. Because these opinions are not mainstream, I like to read as much as possible on the topic so that I’m armed with the latest facts and data to support the benefits of fair food.
  • For all things local, I follow Going Local, a great local blog that is always highlighting what’s going on in the central Indiana food and gardening scene, as well as a great resource for local markets, CSAs, etc.

I’ll report back with my favorite food blogs and some other sites that I frequent, but share your favorite sites in the comments!