around the interwebs,  featured

around the interwebs this week: september 9, 2016


I should rename this feature “around the interwebs this week-ish” since consistency is not my strong suit. Oh well! Here is what I thought was worth sharing from around the world wide web this week (ish):


  • This just PISSES me off. I wanted to use stronger language there, but restrained myself. Paying attention is the very least we can do.
  • I loved Jen Hatmaker’s list of question ideas to ask the kiddos about their days. We’re in the car quite a bit on school days, so I took a screen shot of these questions to give me some fresh material.
  • I geek about the meaning of work and its intersection (or not) with calling, vocation, hobbies, etc., so I loved Byron’s Labor Day reflection and his list of books.
  • Such a good reminder: “We’re not allowed to struggle until after we’ve done our victory lap. That’s fine, but it’s less helpful than hearing from people in the trenches. How do I show up in the during? Maybe this all happened to me so I can go out there and be seen in the during.” (P.S. Go pick up a copy of Love Warrior if you haven’t already – so many thoughts).

To Do/Try

  • Cold soups since it feels like soup season, but it’s still over 80.
  • Stop complaining that locally grown produce is expensive.
  • An every damn day list. I love this idea. I’m thinking I could make my own, and then hang it in the bathroom where I would see it every day. Maybe under some glass, so I could physically cross things off of it since one of my greatest pleasures in life is crossing things off of my to do list.

To Watch/Listen

Oldies on the blog

Happy weekending!