creation care,  recommended

walking = best medicine

In addition to being a bit of a foodie, I also have a little side hobby when it comes to researching training/working out methodologies and programs – and usually actually following through and doing them too.

I know this space tends to focus on food + gardening, but I also like to think that it is a place to encourage care for creation. I’m of the belief that you can’t do much to take care of the creation around you if you aren’t taking care of yourself (i.e. you’re creation too!). I came across this video a few weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about it. I read quite a bit about various training fads, some good and some bad. I think there are some great and healthy options out there when it comes to fitness, but I can’t help but think that if everyone just incorporated this one, very simple practice into their daily lives that we would all feel better, be much healthier and have more energy for gardening, cooking and whatever else you enjoy doing. And if you do more on top of your daily walk, great! Watch this and let me know what you think: