around the interwebs

just three things: july 28, 2017

It was hard to pick just three things this week, but I did it anyway. Share your top finds in the comments.

  1. Glennon with #KitchenTableResistance and Trump’s transgender decision is a must-watch sermon. It is thirty minutes, but so worth your time. I just listened while I did laundry.
  2. This is two things, but in the interest of keeping up with things but not getting sucked too far into outrage exhaustion, this Pantsuit Politics episode and this article were helpful reminders to stay the course.
  3. These two episodes (part one and part two) of Dear Sugars with Oprah on the power of no were really eye-opening for me. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that part of our problem culturally is that we are spread too thin, both from an interior perspective and exterior one. So not only are we over-scheduled and over-committed, but our attention is shallow and broad. We don’t go deep in relationships, in community, in our own interior lives. We have to figure out how to say no to things that ours aren’t ours to do or be, so that we can say a more emphatic yes to the things that are ours to delve deeply into. Cheating with one more link side note: social media has got to be a huge component of this, don’t you think?

That was more than three things, but it was a big week. Happy weekending, friends!